
Prayer changes things. Let us know how we can be praying with and for you.


Sunday • Oct 20

Humanitarian Crises: Gaza, Haiti & Africa

Monday • Oct 21

Victims of War in Ukraine

Tuesday • Oct 22

Victims of Israel and Lebanon Conflict

Wednesday • Oct 23

Victims of Flooding, Wildfires & Landslides Worldwide

Thursday • Oct 24

Victims of Hurricane Milton

Friday • Oct 25

14M USA Children Who Go Hungry Each Day (USDA 9/5/24)

Saturday • Oct 26

Victims of Hurricane Helene


New Oct 20th: Ray Phalen, motorcycle accident and is recovering in Bayfront Hospital-prayers for healing and comfort; Mary Canova Shah (TX), now in hospice care-prayers for comfort and peace (former coworker-M. Strid); Matt Strid, surgery to remove cancer in chest on 10/10 and now home recovering-prayers for healing and recovery (cousin-M. Strid).


New Oct 13th: Kelina, lost everything in her home during Helene-prayers for recovery and comfort (Cinda); Brandie & her son, she hurt her knees and son was drinking and driving but never in trouble previously-prayers for his court appearance and for him to stay on the right path in the future and for healing of her knees (E. Disney).


Ongoing: Sue & Virginia Atkins, Eileen Bennett, Chris Benware, Michael Benware, Elaine Billings, C. Brown, Mason Burdewick, Jean Daddis, Harry Davis, Tim Deacon, Billy Debes & Family, Genevieve DeHoog, Harry & Kevin Delauter, Ethel Disney, Robert Eldred, Cinda Ewen, GiGi “Gmoney,” Sherri Gonicberg, Phyllis Greenwood, Brenda Harris, Eric Hinkle, Wen & Ruth Hockersmith, Rycky Hollimon,  Kay Judd, Judy, Carolyn McGovern, Mike, Sandy Morneault, Kirsten Owens, Rich Patchin, Nancy Plato, Tammi Radcliff, Lynne Rodgers, George Roth, Sr., Grace Seagrave, Theo, Kimberly Torre, Matthew Torre, Lynda Waite, All School Teachers, Staff and Students, Pastor Erick Ashley & Family, Clearview UMC & Leadership, our country and leaders.


Military: Seth Crist & Family, Casey Linde-Powers, George Roth & Family, and All American Military In Harm’s Way.


Our Mission Partners: Our sister church in Cuba: Iglesia Metodista de Guareiras – Matanzas Cuba District; FL Dream Center; Residing Hope (Children’s Home); Zoe Empowers Abishyizehamwe “Togetherness” Group in Rwanda.



Do you have a prayer request?

We believe prayer makes a difference. How can we be praying with and for you? Let us know using the link below.