
Prayer changes things. Let us know how we can be praying with and for you.



Sunday • July 28

Humanitarian Crises: Gaza, Haiti & Africa

Monday • July 29

Victims of the War in Ukraine

Tuesday • July 30

Worldwide: Those Unable to Afford Housing (Rent & Utilities)

Wednesday • July 31

Worldwide: Victims of Political Violence

Thursday • Aug 1

Worldwide: Victims of Intolerance

Friday • Aug 2

Worldwide: Those Suffering From Food Insecurity

Saturday • Aug 3

Worldwide: Victims of Wildfires, Flooding and Tornados 


New July 28th: Mary Canova-surgery 7/21 for broken hip, result of fall, prayers for speedy recovery (M. Strid); Harry Delauter-mild heart attack, prayers for fast recovery to good health (son-L. Waite); Almalina Newman-unexpected illness resulting in surgery in NOLA while visiting grandmother, prayers for quick return to good health (E. Newman); Lynda Waite-travel mercies as she visits her son.


New July 21st: Cassie Berg, Hannah and Greyson-travel mercies for their OH trip; K.J. Henisa-tendon surgery on 7/16-prayers for speedy recovery and comfort; Karen (S.E. Georgia)-surgery to replace a heart valve (granddaughter-C. Klotzbach); George Roth Sr.-prayers for ongoing health issues and travel mercies as he visits son, George Jr.

(J. Goude).


Ongoing: Crystal Anderson, Eileen Bennett, Chris Benware, Louis Benware, Bev Berg, Elaine Billings, Dawn Birch, Carrie Brown, Luke Burdewick, Matt Burdewick, Valerie Cochran, Jean Daddis, Harry Davis, Josh Davis, Tim Deacon, Genevieve DeHoog, Harry & Kevin Delauter, Robert Eldred, Sherri Gonicberg, Phyllis Greenwood, Brenda Harris, Melissa Hartman, Eric Hinkle, Wen & Ruth Hockersmith, Rycky Hollimon, Elizabeth Holmes, Ted Hughes Family & Friends, Hulett Family, Carolyn McGovern, Tosha Mohr, Sandy Morneault, Jim Mouse, Lynn Nelson, Nancy Plato, Tammi Radcliff, Lynne Rogers, Gary Simser Family, Mark Smith, Mark Steinwinter, Matt Strid, Jim & Edna Templey, Matthew Torre, Vanessa & Mother, Lynda Waite, Rev. Tanner White Family, Sandy Williams, Pastor Erick Ashley & Family, Clearview UMC & Leadership, our country and leaders.


Military: Seth Crist & Family, Casey Linde-Powers, George Roth & Family, Connor South and All American Military In Harm’s Way.


Our Mission Partners: Our sister church in Cuba: Iglesia Metodista de Guareiras – Matanzas Cuba District; FL Dream Center; Residing Hope (Children’s Home); Zoe Empowers Abishyizehamwe “Togetherness” Group in Rwanda.


Do you have a prayer request?

We believe prayer makes a difference. How can we be praying with and for you? Let us know using the link below.